Pop-up piercing on tour
Avinas is on Tour with Bongénie-Grieder!
See you on the dates below to discover our collection of gold jewelry dedicated to ear piercing.Helix, tragus, lobe? Stud or Hoop? There is bound to be a piercing for your ear!3 cities and 3 days each time to come and enjoy the advice and professional piercing service offered by the brand. A beautiful gold jewel can be placed immediately thanks to our new piercing collection specially developed for this event.
- April 28-29-30: Avinas invites you to Zürich – In Gassen 20 (G Point)
- May 12-13-14: Avinas invites you to Lausanne – Place St François 10
- June 23-24-25: Avinas invites you to Geneva – Rue du Marché 34
PSSST: get your ear pierced for free when purchasing a gold Avinas piercing Enjoy!
Piercings are done by appointment, book yours directly here:
I reserve my Piercing